Publications Ellen Thomas

see also Google Citations

  • Burkett, A. M., Huber, B.T., Young, J.R., Katz, M.E., Borrelli, C., Fung, M. K., DeMello, R., Kochhahn, K. G.D., Dameron, S.N., Thomas, E., Alegret, L., 2024, BFORAMS@MIKROTAX: an online database for deep-sea benthic foraminiferal taxonomy, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 54 (4), in press
  • Kasbohm, J., Schoene, B., Thomas, E., and Hull, P. M., 2024. High-precision U-Pb geochronology for the Miocene Climate Optimum and a novel approach for calibrating age models in deep-sea sediment cores. Geology, 52: doi: 10.1130/G52255.1
  • Moretti, S., Auderset, A., Deutsch, C., Schmitz, R., Gerber, L., Thomas, E., Luciani, V., Petrizzo, M.-R., Schiebel, R., Tripati, A., Sexton, P., Norris, R., d’Onofrio, R., Zachos, J., Sigman, D. M., Haug, G. H., Martinez-Garcia, A., 2024. Oxygen Rise in the tropical upper ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Science, 383:  727-731. doi: 10.1126/science.adh4893
  • Xue, P., Chang, L., and Thomas, E., 2023. Abrupt Northwest Atlantic deep-sea oxygenation decline preceded the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Earth & Planetary Sciences, 618, 118304, doi: 1016/j.epsl.2023.118304
  • Lu, Z., Thomas, E., Rickaby, R. E. W., Lu, W., and Prow, A. N., 2023.  Commentary: ‘Planktic Foraminifera iodine/calcium ratios from plankton tows’. Frontiers of Marine Sciences, 10, 1095570;  doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1221835
  • Davis, C.V., Shaw, J.O., D’haenens, S., Thomas, E., Hull, P.M., 2022. Photosymbiont associations persisted in planktic foraminifera during early Eocene hyperthermals at Shatsky Rise (Pacific Ocean). PLoS ONE 17(9): e0267636. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.026763
  • Wagner, C. L., Stassen, P., Thomas, E., Lippert, P. C., and Lascu, I., 2022. Magnetofossils and benthic foraminifera record changes in food supply and deoxygenation of the coastal marine seafloor during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37; doi: 10.1029/2022PA004502
  • Xue, P., Chang, L., Dickens, G., and Thomas, E., 2022. A depth-transect of ocean deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: magnetofossils in sediment cores from the Southeast Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024714; doi: 1029/2022JB024714
  • Tan, Y. K., Burke, A.C., and Thomas, E., 2022. Out of Their Shells: Digitisation of Endangered Diversity in Orphaned Collections Spurs Access and Discovery. Accepted for Publication, Curator, The Museum Journal, 65, 355-378;  doi: 10.1111/cura.12464
  • Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J, Thomas, E., Alegret, L., 2022. Some like it cool: benthic foraminiferal response to Paleogene warming events, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 593: 110925; doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.110925
  • Alegret, L., Arreguin-Rodriguez, G., and Thomas, E., 2022. Oceanic productivity after the Cretaceous/Paleogene impact: where do we stand? The view from the deep. in Koeberl, C., Claeys, P., and Montanari, A., eds., From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean Microplates to the Mexican Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez: Geological Society of America Special Paper 557,
  • Lu, W., Barbosa, C. F., Rathburn, A. E., da Matta Xavier, P., Cruz, A. P. S., Thomas, E., Rickaby, R. E. M., Zhang, Y. G., and Lu., Z., 2021. Proxies for paleo-oxygenation: a downcore comparison between benthic foraminiferal surface porosity and I/Ca. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 579, 110588; doi: 1016/j.palaeo.2021.110588
  • Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J., Barnet, J. S. K., Leng, M. J., Littler, K., Kroon, D., Schmidt, D. S., Thomas, E., and Alegret, L., 2021, Benthic foraminiferal turnover across the Dan-C2 event in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1262), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 572, 110410; doi:
  • Griffith, E. M., Thomas, E., Lewis, A. R., Penman, D. E., Westerhold, T., and Winguth, A. M. E., 2021, Bentho-pelagic Decoupling: the Marine Biological Carbon Pump During Eocene Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36: e2020PA004053;
  • Shaw, J. O., d’Haenens, S., Thomas, E., Norris, R. D., Lyman, J. A., Bornemann, A., and Hull, P. M., 2021, Photosymbiosis in planktonic foraminifera across the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. Paleobiology; DOI: 10.1017/pab.2021.7
  • Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J, Trasvina-Moreno, C. A., Thomas, E., Alegret, L., 2021. Updating a Paleogene magnetobiochronogical timescale through graphical interpretation. MethodsX 8, 101292, doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2021.101291
  • Alegret, L., Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J, Trasvina-Moreno, C. A., and Thomas, E., 2021, Turnover and stability in the deep sea: benthic foraminifera as tracers of Paleogene global change. Global and Planetary Change, 196, 103372; doi:1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103372
  • Bralower, T. J., Cosmidis, J. Heaney, P. J., Kump, L. R., Morgan, J. V., Harper, D. T., Lyons, S. L., Freeman, K. H., Grice, K., Wendler, J. E., Zachos, J. C., Artemieva, N., Si. A. C., Gulick, S. P. S., House, C. H., Jones, H. L., Lowery, C. M., Nims, C., Schaefer, B., Thomas, E., and Vajda, V., 2020, Origin of a global carbonate layer deposited in the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 548, 115476; doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.11647
  • Lu, Z., Lu, W., Rickaby, R. E. M., and Thomas, E., 2020. Earth history of oxygen and the iprOxy. ‘Elements in Geochemical Tracers in Earth System Science’, eds. T. W. Lyons, A. V. Turchyn, and C. T. Reinhard, Cambridge Elements Series.
  • Davis, C. V., Livsey, C. M., Palmer, H. M., Hull, P. M., and Thomas, E., 2020. Extensive morphological variability in asexually produced planktic Foraminifera. Science Advances, 6 (28), eabb8930, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abb8930
  • Super, J. R., Thomas, E., Pagani, M., Huber, M., O’Brien, C. L., and Hull, P. M., 2020. Miocene evolution of North Atlantic Circulation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, e2019PA003748; doi:10.1029/2019PA003748
  • Hull, P. M., Bornemann, A., Penman, D., Henehan, M. J., Norris, R. D., Wilson, P. A., Blum, P. Alegret, L., Batenburg, S., Bown, P., Bralower, T. J., Cournede, C., Deutsch, A., Donner, B., Friedrich, O., Jehle, S., Kim, H., Kroon, D., Lippert, P. C., Loroch, D., Moebius, I., Moriya, K., Peppe, D. J., Ravizza, G. E., Röhl, U., Schueth, J. D., Sepulveda, J., Sexton, P., Sibert, E., Sliwinska, K. K., Summons, R. E., Thomas, E., Westerhold, T., Whiteside, J., Yamaguchi, T., and Zachos, J. C., 2020. On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Science, 367: 266-272; doi: 1126/science.aay5055
  • Lu, W., Rickaby, R., Hoogakker, B., Rathburn, A., Burkett, A., Dickson, A., Martinez-Mendez, G., Hillenbrandt, C.-D., Zhou, X., and Thomas, E., 2020. I/Ca in epifaunal benthic foraminifera: a semi-quantitative proxy for bottom water oxygen in a multi-proxy compilation for glacial ocean deoxygenation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 533: 116055;
  • Harper, D. T., Hoenisch, B., Zeebe, R., Shaffer, G., Haynes, L., Thomas, E., and Zachos, J. C., 2020. The magnitude of surface ocean acidification and carbon release during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2) compared to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, e2019PA003699; doi:10.1029/2019PA003699
  • Lu, W., Dickson, A. J., Thomas, E., Rickaby, R. E. M., Chapman, P., and Lu, Z., 2019. Refining the planktonic foraminifera I/Ca proxy: results from the Southeast Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.  doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.10.025
  • Henehan, M. J., Ridgwell, A., Thomas, E., Zhang, S., Alegret, L., Schmidt, D. N., Rae, J. W. B., Witts, J. D., Landman, N. H., Greene, S. E., Huber, B. T., Super, J., Planavsky, N. J., and Hull, P. M., 2019, Rapid ocean acidification and protracted Earth System recovery followed the end-Cretaceous Chicxulub impact. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116: 22500-22504;  10.1073/pnas.1905989116
  • Sepulveda, J., Alegret, L., Haddad, E., Cao, C., Thomas, E., and Summons, R., 2019. Stable isotope constraints on marine productivity across the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34: 1195-1217; doi: 10.1029/2018PA003442
  • Greene, S. E., Ridgwell, A., Kirtland-Turner, S., Schmidt, D. N., Pälike, H., Thomas, E., Greene, L. K., and Hoogakker, B. A. A., 2019. Early Cenozoic decoupling of climate and carbonate compensation depth trends, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34: 930-945; doi: 10.1029/2019PA003601
  • Smart, C.W., Thomas, E., and Bracher, C. M., 2019. Holocene variations in North Atlantic export productivity as reflected in bathyal benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 149: 1-18. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.03.004
  • Takata, H., Kim, H. K., Asahi, H., Thomas, E., Yoo, C. M., Chi, S. B., and Khim, B.K., 2019. Central Equatorial Pacific benthic foraminifera during the mid Brunhes dissolution interval: ballasting of particulate organic matter by biogenic silica and carbonate. Quaternary Science Reviews, 210: 64-79; doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev. 2019.02.030
  • Hayek, L.-A., Buzas, M., and Thomas, E., 2019. Identifying disruptions to the ecological balance of nature: a foraminiferal example across the initiation of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Paleobiology, 45: 98-113; doi : 10.1017/pab.2018.45
  • Schmidt, D. N., Thomas, E., Authier, E., Saunders, D., and Ridgwell, A., 2018, Strategies in times of crisis – insights into the benthic foraminiferal record of the PETM,  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A 376 (2130): doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0328
  • Thomas, E., Boscolo-Galazzo, F., Balestra, B., Monechi, S., Donner, B., and Röhl, U., 2018, Early Eocene Thermal Maximum 3: biotic response at Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic Ocean), Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33: 862-883. CBEP Special Volume, doi: 1029/2018PA003375
  • Lu, W., Ridgwell, A., Thomas, E., Hardisty, D., Luo, G., Algeo, T., Saltzmann, M., Gill, B. C., Shen Y., Ling, H.-F., Edwards, C. T., Whalen, M. T., Zhou, X., Gutchess, K., Jin, L., Rickaby, R., Jenkyns, H. C., Lyons, T. W., Lenton, T. M., Kump., L. R., and Lu., Z., 2018. Late inception of a resiliently oxygenated upper ocean. Science, 361: 174-177; doi: 1126/science.aar5372
  • Smart, C. W., and Thomas, E., 2018. Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and phylogeny of Oligocene Streptochilus, Wade, B. et al., eds., Atlas of Oligocene Planktonic Foraminifera, Cushman Foundation Spec. Publ., 46: 495-510
  • Super, J., Thomas, E., Pagani, M., O’Brien, C., Hull, P. M., 2018. North Atlantic temperature and pCO2 coupling in the early-middle Miocene. Geology, 46: 519-522.
  • Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J., Thomas, E., d’Haenens, S., Speijer, R. P., and Alegret, L., 2018, Early Eocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas: Recovery from the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum extinction in a greenhouse world. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0193167. journal.pone.0193167
  • Gutjahr, M., Ridgwell, A., Sexton, P. F., Anagnostou, E., Pearson, P. N., Paelike, H., Norris, R. D., Thomas, E., and Foster, G. L., 2017. Very large release of mostly volcanic carbon during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Nature, 548: 573-577; doi:10.1038/nature23646
  • McNeill, L. C., Dugan, B., Backman, J., Pickering, K. T., Pouderoux, H. F. A., Henstock, T. J., Petronotis, K. E., Carter, A., Chemale, F., Milliken, K. L., Kutterolf, S., Mukoyoshi, H., Chen, W., Kachovich, S., Mitchison, F. L., Bourlange, S., Colson, T. A., Frederik, M. C. G., Guerin, G., Hamahashi, M., House, B. H., Huepers, A., Jeppson, T. N., Kenigsberg, A. R., Kuranaga, M., Nair, N., Owari, S., Shan, Y., Song, I., Torres, M. E., Vannuchi, P., Vrolijk, P., Yang, T., Zhao, X., and Thomas, E., 2017. Understanding Himalayan Erosion and the Significance of the Nicobar Fan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 475: 134-142; doi: 10.106/j.epsl.2017.07.019
  • Bachan, A., Lau, K. V., Saltzmann, M. R., Thomas, E., Kump, L. R., and Payne, J. L., 2017. A model for the decrease in amplitude of carbon isotope excursions throughout the Phanerozoic, American Journal of Science: 317 (6): 641-676, doi: 10.2475/06.2017.01
  • Wit, J. C., de Nooijer, L. J., Haig, J., Jorissen, F. J., Thomas, E., and Reichart, G.-J., 2017. Towards reconstructing ancient seawater Mg/Ca by combining porcelaneous and hyaline foraminiferal Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 211: 341-354; doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.05.036
  • Moura de Mello, R., Leckie, R. M., Fraass, A. J., and Thomas, E., 2017. Upper Maastrichtian – Eocene benthic foraminiferal biofacies of the Brazilian margin, western South Atlantic. In: Kaminski, M.A. & Alegret, L., (eds), 2016. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 22: 119-161.
  • Lefkowitz, J. L., Varekamp, J. C., Reynolds, J. C., and Thomas, E., 2016. A Tale of two Lakes: the Newberry Volcano Twin Crater Lakes. Geochemistry and Geophysics of Active Volcanic Lakes, Geological Society of London, Special Volume 437, 253-288; eds. T Ohba, B. Capaccioni, and C. Caudron, doi:10.1144/SP437.15
  • Zhou, X., Thomas, E., Winguth, A. M. E., Ridgwell, A., Scher, H., Hoogakker, B. A. A., Rickaby, R. E. M., and Lu, Z., 2016. Expanded oxygen minimum zones during the late Paleocene – early Eocene: hints from multi-proxy comparison and ocean modeling. Paleoceanography, 31: 1532-1546; doi:10.1002/2016PA003020
  • Janssen, A. W., Sessa, J. A., and Thomas E., 2016. Pteropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Thecosomata) from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum of the United States Atlantic Coastal Plain., Palaeontologia Electronica, Article 19 (3), 1-26
  • Lu, Z., Hoogakker, B., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Zhou, X., Thomas, E., Gutchess, K. M., Lu, W., Jones, L., and Rickaby, R. E. M., 2016. Oxygen depletion recorded in upper waters of the glacial Southern Ocean. Nature Communications 7, 11146; doi: 1038/ncomms11146
  • Arreguin-Rodriguez, G. J., Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2016. Late Paleocene – middle Eocene benthic foraminifera on a Pacific Seamount (Allison Guyot, ODP Site 865): Greenhouse Climate and superimposed hyperthermal events.  Paleoceanography, 31: 346-364; doi: 10.1002/2015PA002837
  • Post, J. E., Thomas, E., and Heaney, P. J., 2016, Jianshuiite in Oceanic Manganese Nodules.  American Mineralogist, 101: 407-414. doi: 10.2138/am-2016-5347 link
  • Giusberti, L., Boscolo-Galazzo, F., and Thomas, E., 2016. Benthic foraminifera at the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum in the western Tethys (Forada section): variability in climate and productivity. Climate of the Past, 12: 213-240; doi: 5194/cp-12-213-2016
  • Boscolo-Galazzo, F., Thomas, E., Luciana, V., Giusberti, L., Frontalini, F., and Coccioni, R., 2015, The planktic foraminifer Planorotalites in the Tethyan middle Eocene, Journal of Micropaleontology, 35: 79-89; doi: 1144/jmpaleo2014-030 link
  • Lear, C. H., Coxall, H. K., Foster, G. L., Lunt, D. J., Mawbey, E. M., Rosenthal, Y., Sosdian, S. M., Thomas, E., and Wilson, P. A., 2015. Mg/Ca thermometry suggests greater than modern ice volume in the Miocene. Paleoceanography, 30, doi: 10.1002/2015PA002833 link
  • Bordiga, M., Henderiks, J., Tori, F., S. Monechi, S., Fenero, R., Legarda-Lisarri, A., and Thomas, E., 2015, Microfossil evidence for trophic changes during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the South Atlantic (ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge), Climate of the Past 11, 1249-1270 link
  • Jennions, S. M., Thomas, E., Schmidt, D. N., Lunt, D., and Ridgwell, A., 2015, Changes in benthic ecosystems and ocean circulation in the Southeast Atlantic across Eocene Thermal Maximum 2. Paleoceanography, 30 1059-1077 link
  • Stassen, P., Thomas, E., and Speijer, R., 2015. Paleocene-Eocene Thermal maximum environmental change in the New Jersey Coastal Plan: benthic foraminiferal biotic events. Marine Micropaleontology,115:1-23; link
  • Boscolo-Galazzo, F., Thomas, E., Giusberti, L., 2015. Benthic foraminiferal response to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the Southeastern Atlantic (ODP Site 1263). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 417: 432-444; 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.10.004 link
  • Ortiz, S., and Thomas, E., 2015, Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal turnover during the early middle Eocene transition at Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic),  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,  Palaeoecology, 417: 126-136;  doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.10.023 link
  • Pearson, P. N., and Thomas, E., 2015. Drilling disturbance and constraints on the onset of the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary carbon isotope excursion in New Jersey. Climate of the Past, 11: 95-104 doi: 10.5194/cp-11-95-201 link
  • Boscolo-Galazzo, F., Thomas, E., Pagani, M., Warren, C., Luciani, V., and Giusberti, L., 2014. The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): a multi-proxy record of paleoceanographic changes in the South-east Atlantic (ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge).  Paleoceanography, 29: 114301161.  doi:  10.1002/2014PA002670 link
  • Zhou, X., Thomas, E., Rickaby, R. E. M., Winguth, A. M. E., and Lu, Z., 2014, I/Ca evidence for global upper ocean deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Paleoceanography, 29(10). 964-975; doi: 10.1002/2014PA002702 link
  • Cronin, T. M., Farmer, J., Marzen, R. E., Thomas, E., and Varekamp, J. C., 2014.Late Holocene Sea-Level Variability and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Paleoceanography, 29: 765-777; link
  • Penman, D. E., Hoenisch, B., Zeebe, R. E., Thomas, E., Zachos, J. C., 2014. Rapid and sustained surface ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal maximum. Paleoceanography, 29: 357-369; link
  • Ma, Z., Gray, E., Thomas, E., Murphy, B., Zachos, J. C., and Paytan, A., 2014. Carbon sequestration during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal maximum by an efficient biological pump. Nature Geoscience, 7: 382-388; link
  • Zeebe, R., Dickens, G. R., Ridgwell, A., Sluijs, A., and Thomas, E., 2014. Onset of carbon isotope excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum took millennia, not 13 years. PNAS, 111, E1062-E1063; link
  • Stassen, P., Speijer, R. P., and Thomas, E., 2014. Unsettled puzzle of the Marlboro clays.PNAS,111, E1066-E1067. link
  • Lopez, G., Carey, D., Carlton, J., Cerrato, R., Dam, H., DiGiovanni, R., Elphick, C., Frisk, M., Gobler, C., Hice, L., Howell, P., Jordaan, A., Lin, S., Liu, S., Lonsdale, D., McEnroe, M., McKown, K., McManus, G., Orson, R., Peterson, B., Pickerell, C., Rozsa, R., Siuda, A., Thomas, E., Taylor, G., Shumway, S., Talmage, S., van Patten, M., Vaudrey, J., Wikfors, G., Yarish, C., and Zajac, R., 2014. Chapter 6: Biology and Ecology of Long Island Sound. In: Long Island Sound, Prospects for the Urban Sea, Springer Series on Environmental Management, 250; 558 pp. , p. 285-479; ISBN 978-1-4614-6125-8; 1.  doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6126-5_6; website chapter
  • Thomas, E., 2014. Book Review: Bender, M. L., 2013. Book Review: Paleoclimate; Princeton University Press. Priscum, 21: 25-26 pdf
  • Alegret, L. and Thomas, E., 2013. Benthic foraminifera across the Cretaceous/ Paleogene boundary in the Southern Ocean (ODP Site 690): diversity, food and carbonate saturation. Marine Micropaleontology, 105: 40-51; pdf
  • Foster, L. C., Schmidt, D. N., Thomas, E., Arndt, S., and Ridgwell, A., 2013. Surviving rapid climate change in the deep-sea during the Paleogene hyperthermals. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110: 9273-9276; pdf
  • Boscolo-Galazzo, F., Giusberti, L., Luciani. V. and Thomas, E., 2013. Paleoenvironmental changes during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) and its aftermath: the benthic foraminiferal record from the Alano section (NE Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 378, 22-35. pdf
  • Fenero, R., Thomas, E., Alegret, L., and Molina, E., 2012. Oligocene benthic foraminifera in the Fuente Caldera section (Betic Cordillera, Spain): paleoenvironmental inferences. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 42: 286-304, v. 42, p. 286-304, pdf
  • Hayward, B. W., Kawagata, S., Sabaa, A. T., Grenfell, H. R., van Kerckhoven, L., Johnson, K., and Thomas, E., 2012, The Last Global Extinction (Mid-Pleistocene) of Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera (Chrysalogoniidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Pleurostomellidae, Stilostomellidae), their Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic History and Taxonomy. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Spec. Vol., 43: 408 pp. website book
  • Stassen, P., Thomas, E., and Speijer, R. P., 2012, Integrated stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the New Jersey Coastal Plain: towards understanding the effects of global warming in a shelf environment. Paleoceanography, 27: PA4210, pdf
  • Saltzman, M. and Thomas, E., Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy, 2012. Chapter 11: Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy. In: ‘A Geologic Timescale 2012’, eds. F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. Schmitz, and G. Ogg, Elsevier, pp. 221-246. website book pdf
  • Stassen, P., Thomas, E., and Speijer, R. P., 2012. The progression of environmental changes during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (New Jersey Coastal Plain). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105:169-178. pdf
  • Gattuso, J.-P., and Thomas, E., 2012. Ocean acidification: how will ongoing acidification affect marine life? PRESENT-PAST, PAGES News, 20: 36-37 pdf
  • Hönisch, B., Ridgwell, A., Schmidt, D. N., Thomas, E., Gibbs, S. J., Sluijs, A., Zeebe, R., Kump, L., Martindale, R. C., Greene, S. E., Kiessling, W., Ries, J., Zachos, J. C., Royer, D. L., Barker, S., Marchitto, T. M., Moyer, R., Pelejero, C., Ziveri, P., Foster, G. L., and Williams, B., 2012. The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification. Science, 335: 1058-1963, pdf
  • Winguth, A., Thomas, E., and Winguth, C., 2012. Global decline in ocean ventilation, oxygenation and productivity during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum – Implications for the benthic extinction. Geology, 40: 263-266; pdf
  • Stassen, P., Thomas, E. and Speijer, R. P., 2012. Restructuring outer neritic foraminiferal assemblages in the aftermath of the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 31: 89-93, pdf
  • Alegret, L., Thomas, E., and Lohmann, K. C, 2012. End-Cretaceous Marine Mass Extinction not Caused by Productivity Collapse. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109: 728-732;
  • Falkowski, P. G., Algeo, T., Codispoti, L., Deutsch, C., Emerson, S., Hales, B., Huey, R. B., Jenkyns, W. J., Kump, L. R., Levin, L. A., Lyons, T. W., Nelson, N. B., Schofield, O. S., Summons, R., Talley, L. D., Thomas, E., Whitney, F., Pichler, C. B., 2011, Ocean deoxygenation: past, present and future. EOS Transactions AGU, 92: 409-410; pdf
  • Bhaumik, A. K., Gupta, A. K., and Thomas, E., 2011. Blake Outer Ridge: late Neogene variability in paleoenvironments and deep-sea biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 302: 435-451; pdf
  • Griffith, E. M., Paytan, A., Eisenhauer, A., Bullen, T. D., and Thomas, E., 2011. Seawater calcium isotopic ratios across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. Geology, 39: 683-686, pdf
  • Brown, R. E., Anderson, L. D., Thomas, E., and Zachos, J. C., 2011. A core-top calibration of B/Ca in the benthic foraminifera Nuttallides umbonifera and Oridorsalis umbonatus: reconstructing bottom water carbonate saturation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 310: 360-368, pdf
  • Hayward, B., Johnson, K., Sabaa, A. T., Kawagata, S., and Thomas, E., 2010. Cenozoic record of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea benthic Foraminifera in the North Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans. Marine Micropaleontology, 74: 75-95; pdf
  • Hayward, B. W., Sabaa, A. T., Thomas, E., Nomura, R., Kawagata, Nomura, R., S., Schröder-Adams, C., Gupta, A. K., Johnson, K., 2010. Cenozoic Record of Elongate, Cylindrical, Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722, 738, 744, 758 and 763). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 40: 113-133 pdf
  • Stap„ L., Lourens, L. J., Thomas, E., Sluijs, A., Bohaty S., and Zachos, J. C., 2010. High-resolution deep-sea carbon and oxygen isotope records of Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 and H2 and implications for the origin of early Paleogene hyperthermal events. Geology, 38: 607-610; pdf
  • Griffith E., Calhoun, M., Thomas, E., Averyt, K., Erhardt, A., Bralower, T., Lyle, M., Olivarez-Lyle, A., Paytan, A., 2010. Export Productivity and Carbonate Accumulation in the Pacific Basin at the Transition from Greenhouse to Icehouse Climate (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene). Paleoceanography, 25: PA3212; pdf
  • Stap, L., Lourens, L., van Dijk, A., Schouten, S., and Thomas, E., 2010. Coherent pattern and timing of the carbon isotope excursion and warming during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 as recorded in planktic and benthic foraminifera. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 11: Q11011 pdf
  • Varekamp, J. C., Thomas, E., Altabet, M., Cooper, S., Brinkhuis, H., Sangiorgi,F., Donders, T., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M., 2010. Environmental Change in Long Island Sound in the Recent Past: Eutrophication and climate change. Final Report LISRF Grant CWF 334-R (FRS 525156) pdf
  • Stap, L., Lourens, L., Sluijs, A., and Thomas, E., 2009. Patterns and magnitude of deep sea carbonate dissolution during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 and H2, Walvis Ridge, southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Paleoceanography, 24, PA1211, pdf
  • Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2009. Cretaceous evolution of the genus Adercotryma (Foraminifera) in the deep Pacific. Micropaleontology, 55: 49-60 pdf
  • Darling, K. F., Thomas, E., Kasemann, S., Smart, C. W., Seears, H. A., and Wade, C. M., 2009. Surviving mass extinction by bridging the benthic/planktic divide. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 106: 12629-12633; pdf
  • Webb, A. E., Leighton, L. R., Schellenberg, S. A., Landau, E. A., and Thomas, E., 2009. Impact of Paleocene-Eocene global warming on microbenthic community structure: using rank-abundance curves to quantify ecological response. Geology 37: 783-786, pdf
  • Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2009. Food supply to the seafloor in the Pacific Ocean after the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary event. Marine Micropaleontology, 73: 105-116. pdf
  • Thomas, E., 2008. Research Focus: Descent into the Icehouse, Geology, 36: 191-192. pdf
  • McCarren, H., Thomas, E., Hasegawa, T., Roehl, U., and Zachos, J. C., 2008. Depth-dependency of the Paleocene-Eocene Carbon Isotope Excursion: paired benthic and terrestrial biomarker records (ODP Leg 208, Walvis Ridge). Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 9 (10): Q10008, pdf
  • Alegret, L., Cruz, L. E., Fenero, R., Molina, E., Ortiz, S., and Thomas, E., 2008. Effects of Oligocene climatic events on the foraminiferal record from Fuente Caldera section (Spain, western Tethys). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 269: 94-102; pdf
  • Griffith, E. M., Paytan, A., Caldeira, K., Bullen, T. D., and Thomas, E., 2008. A dynamic marine calcium cycle during the past 28 million years. Science, 322: 1671-1674; pdf
  • Thomas, E., 2008; update 2013. Paleoceanography: Overview. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, J. H. Steele, S. A. Thorpe and K. K. Turekian, eds. (Elsevier), 2nd edition, 4213-4220, pdf
  • Huber, M., and Thomas, E., 2008. Paleoceanography: Greenhouse Climates. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, J. H. Steele, S. A. Thorpe and K. K. Turekian, eds. , 2nd edition, (Elsevier), p. 4229-4239; pdf
  • Smart, C. W., Thomas, E., and Ramsay, A. T. S., 2007. Middle-late Miocene benthic foraminifera in a western equatorial Indian Ocean depth transect: Paleoceanographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 247: 402-420; pdf
  • Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2007. Deep-Sea environments across the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 208, Walvis Ridge). Marine Micropaleontology, 64: 1-17; pdf
  • Smart, C. W., and Thomas, E., 2007. Emendation of the genus Streptochilus Brönnimann and Resig, 1971 (Foraminifera) and new species from the lower Miocene of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Micropaleontology, 53: 73-104 pdf
  • Hancock, H., Dickens, G. R., Thomas, E., and Blake, K. L., 2007. Reappraisal of early Paleogene CCD curves: foraminiferal assemblages and stable carbon isotopes across the carbonate facies of the Perth Abyssal Plain. International Journal of Earth Sciences, pdf
  • Jorissen, F. J., Fontanier, C., and Thomas, E., 2007. Paleoceanographical proxies based on deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics. In: Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography: Pt. 2: Biological tracers and biomarkers, edited by C. Hillaire-Marcel and A. de Vernal, Elsevier, p. 263-326. pdf
  • Thomas, E., 2007. Cenozoic mass extinctions in the deep sea; what disturbs the largest habitat on Earth? S. Monechi, R. Coccioni, and M. Rampino, eds., “Large Ecosystem Perturbations: Causes and Consequences”, Geological Society of America Special Paper, 424: 1-24. pdf
  • Sluijs, A., Bowen, G. J., Brinkhuis, H., Lourens, L. J., and Thomas, E., 2007. The Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal maximum super greenhouse: biotic and geochemical signatures, age models and mechanisms of climate change. ‘Deep Time Perspectives on Climate Change: Marrying the Signal from Computer Models and Biological Proxies’, eds. M. Williams, A. M. Haywood, F. J. Gregory, and D. N. Schmidt, The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications, The Geological Society, London, 323-351 pdf
  • Paytan, A., Averyt, K., Faul, K., Gray, E., and Thomas, E., 2007. Barite accumulation, ocean productivity, and Sr/Ba in barite across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Geology, 35: 1139-1142 pdf
  • Barker, P. F., and Thomas, E., 2006. Potential of the Scotia Sea Region for Determining the Onset and Development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. In: Fütterer, D.K.; Damaske, D.; Kleinschmidt, G.; Miller, H.; Tessensohn, F. (Eds.), “Antarctica: Contributions to Global Earth Science”, Chapter 8.4, Springer-Verlag, p. 433-440. pdf
  • Bowen, G. J., Bralower, T. J., Dickens, G. R., Delaney, M., Kelly, D. C., Koch, P. L., Kump, L. R., Meng, J., Sloan, L. C., Thomas, E., Wing, S. L., Zachos, J. C., 2006. Disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum gives new insight into greenhouse gas-induced environmental and biotic change. EOS Transactions AGU, v. 87 (17), p. 165, 169. pdf
  • Ortiz, S., and Thomas, E., 2006. Lower-middle Eocene benthic foraminifera from the Fortuna Section (Betic Cordillera, southeastern Spain), Micropaleontology, 52: 97-150. pdf
  • Molina, E., Gonzalvo, C., Mancheño, M. A., Ortiz, S., Schmitz, B., Thomas, E., and von Salis, K., 2006. Integrated Stratigraphy and Chrono-stratigraphy across the Ypresian-Lutetian transition at Fortuna section (Betic Cordillera, Spain). Newsletters in Stratigraphy, 42: 23-41. pdf
  • Thomas, E., Brinkhuis, H., Huber, M., and Röhl, U., 2006. An ocean view of the early Cenozoic Greenhouse World. Oceanography (Special Volume on Ocean Drilling), 19: 63-72 pdf
  • Smart, C. W., and Thomas, E., 2006. The enigma of early Miocene biserial planktic foraminifera, Geology, 34: 1041-1044; pdf
  • Zachos, J. C., Röhl, U., Schellenberg, S. A., Sluijs, A., Hodell, D. A., Kelly, D. C., Thomas, E., Nicolo, M., Raffi, I., Lourens, L., Dick Kroon, D., McCarren, H., 2005. Extreme Acidification of the Atlantic Ocean at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary (~ 55 Mya). Science, 308: 1611- 1615; pdf
  • Lourens, L., Sluijs, A., Kroon, D., Zachos, J. C., Thomas, E., Roehl, U., Bowles, J., and Raffi, I., 2005. Astronomical modulation of late Palaeocene to early Eocene global warming events. Nature, 435: 1083-1087; pdf
  • Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2005. Paleoenvironments across the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary in the central North Pacific (DSDP Site 465), the Gulf of Mexico and the Tethys: the benthic foraminiferal record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 224: 53-82, pdf
  • Barker, P. F., and Thomas, E., 2004. Origin, Signature and Palaeoclimatic Influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Earth Science Reviews, 66: 143-162; pdf
  • Alegret, L. and Thomas, E., 2004. Benthic foraminifera and environmental turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary at Blake Nose (ODP Hole 1049C, Northwestern Atlantic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 208: 59-83; pdf
  • Gupta, A. K., Singh, R. J., Sudheer., J., and Thomas, E., 2004. The Indian Ocean High Productivity Event (10-8 Ma): Linked to global cooling or to the Initiation of the Indian Monsoons? Geology, 32: 753-756; pdf
  • Gupta, A. K., and Thomas, E., 2003. Initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation and strengthening of the northeast Indian Monsoon: Records from ODP Site 758, eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. Geology, 31: 47-50 pdf
  • Katz, M. E., Wright, J. D., Katz, D. R., Miller, K. G., Pak, D. K., Shackleton, N. J., and Thomas, E. , 2003. Early Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal isotopes: species reliability and interspecies correction factors. Paleoceanography, 18: No. 2, 1024, pdf
  • Alegret, L., Molina, E., and Thomas, E., 2003. Benthic foraminiferal faunal turnover across the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary at Agost (Southeastern Spain). Marine Micropaleontology, 48: 251-279; doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(03)00022-7 pdf
  • Thomas, E., 2003. Extinction and food at the sea floor: a high-resolution benthic foraminiferal record across the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum, Southern Ocean Site 690. In: Wing, S., Gingerich, P., Schmitz, B., and Thomas, E., eds. Causes and Consequences of Globally Warm Climates of the Paleogene, GSA Special Paper, 369: 319-332 pdf
  • Dickens, G. R., Fewless, T., Thomas, E., and Bralower, T. J. , 2003. Excess Barite Accumulation during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum: Massive Input of Dissolved Barium from Seafloor Gas Hydrate Reservoirs. In: Wing, S., Gingerich, P., Schmitz, B., and Thomas, E., eds. Causes and Consequences of Globally Warm Climates of the Paleogene, GSA Special Paper, 369: 13-27 pdf
  • Maslin, M. A., and Thomas, E., 2003. Balancing the deglacial global carbon budget: the hydrate factor. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22: 1729-1736; pdf
  • Alegret, L., I. Arenillas, I., Arz, A., Liesa, C., Meléndez, A., Molina E., Soria, A. R., and E. Thomas, E., 2002. The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: sedimentology and micropalaeontology at El Mulato section, NE Mexico, Terra Nova, 14: 330-336. pdf
  • Thomas, D. J., Zachos, J. C., Bralower, T. J., Thomas, E., and Bohaty, S., 2002. Warming the Fuel for the Fire: Evidence for the thermal dissociation of methane hydrate during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Geology, 30: 1067-1070 pdf
  • Zachos, J., Pagani, M., Sloan, L., Thomas, E., and Billups, K., 2001, Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate Change 65 Ma to Present. Science, 292: 686-693. pdf 
  • Gupta, A. K., Joseph, S., and Thomas, E., 2001. Species diversity of Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminifera and water mass stratification in the northeastern Indian Ocean. Micropaleontology, 47: 111-124. pdf
  • Alegret, L., Molina, E., and Thomas, E., 2001. Benthic Foraminifera at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary around the Gulf of Mexico. Geology, 29: 891-894 pdf
  • Alegret, L., and Thomas, E., 2001. Upper Cretaceous and lower Paleogene benthic Foraminifera from northeastern Mexico. Micropaleontology, 47: 269-316. pdf
  • Thomas, E., Zachos, J. C., and Bralower, T. J., 2000, Deep-Sea Environments on a Warm Earth: latest Paleocene – early Eocene. B. Huber, K. MacLeod, and S. Wing eds., Warm Climates in Earth History, Cambridge University Press, 132-160. pdf
  • Ohkushi, K., Thomas, E., and Kawahata, H., 2000, Abyssal benthic foraminifera from the Northwestern Pacific (Shatsky Rise) during the last 298 kyr, Marine Micropaleontology, 38: 119-147. pdf
  • Thomas, E., Gapotchenko, T., Varekamp, J. C., Mecray, E. L., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M. R., 2000, Benthic foraminifera and environmental changes in Long Island Sound, Journal of Coastal Research, 16: 641-655. pdf
  • Thomas, E., Turekian, K. K., and Wei, K.-Y., 2000, Productivity Control of Fine Particle Transport to Equatorial Pacific Sediment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles , 14: 945-955. pdf
  • Thomas, E., and Zachos, J. C., 2000. Was the late Paleocene thermal maximum a unique event? GFF, 122: 169-170. pdf
  • Gibson, T. G., Bybell, L. M., Thomas, E., and Zachos, J., 2000, Kaolinite Distribution in Paleocene/Eocene boundary strata of the Northeastern U.S. and Pakistan – Climatic and Stratigraphic Implications. GFF, 122, 56 pdf
  • Gupta, A., and Thomas, E., 1999, Latest Miocene – Pleistocene productivity and deep-sea ventilation in the northwestern Indian Ocean (DSDP Site 219), Paleoceanography, 14: 62-73 pdf
  • Adams, J. A., Maslin, M. A., and Thomas, E., 1999, Sudden climate transitions during the Quaternary. Progress in Physical Geography, 23: 1-36 pdf
  • Varekamp, J. C., and Thomas, E., 1998, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change over the Last 1000 Years, EOS, 79: 69-75 pdf
  • Saffert, H. L., and Thomas, E., 1998, Living Foraminifera in Salt Marsh Peat Cores: Kelsey marsh (Clinton, CT) and the Great Marshes (Barnstable, MA), Marine Micropaleontology, 33: 175-202. pdf
  • Varekamp, J.C. and Thomas, E., 1998, Volcanic and anthropogenic contributions to global weathering budgets. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 62: 149-159 pdf
  • Sloan, L. C., and Thomas, E., 1998, General Climate during the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum, In: M.-P. Aubry, S. Lucas, and W. A. Berggren, eds., Late Paleocene-early Eocene Biotic and Climatic Events in the Marine and Terrestrial Records, Columbia University Press, 138-157
  • Thomas, E., 1998, The biogeography of the late Paleocene benthic foraminiferal extinction, In: M.-P. Aubry, S. Lucas, and W. A. Berggren, eds., Late Paleocene-early Eocene Biotic and Climatic Events in the Marine and Terrestrial Records, Columbia University Press, 214-243 pdf
  • Barrera, E., Savin, S. M., Thomas, E., and Jones, C. E., 1997. Evidence for thermohaline circulation reversals controlled by sea-level change in the latest Cretaceous, Geology, 25: 715-718 pdf
  • Bralower, T. J., Thomas, D. J., Zachos, J. C., Hirschmann, M., Röhl, U., Sigurdsson, H., Thomas, E. and Whitney, D., 1997, High-resolution records of the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum and Caribbean volcanism: is there a causal link? Geology, 25: 963-965 pdf
  • Maslin, M. A., Thomas, E., Shackleton, N. J., Hall, M. A., and Seidov, D., 1997. Glacial Northeast Atlantic surface water pCO2: productivity and deep-water formation. Marine Geology, 144: 177-211 pdf
  • Smart, C. W., Murray, J. W., and Thomas, E., 1996, New observations on Seabrookia rugosa Watanabe, 1989 (Foraminifera). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 26, 24-26 pdf
  • Thomas, E., and Shackleton, N. J., 1996. The Palaeocene-Eocene benthic foraminiferal extinction and stable isotope anomalies. Geological Society London Special Publication, 101: 401-441 pdf
  • Thomas, E., and Gooday, A. J., 1996, Deep-sea benthic foraminifera: tracers for Cenozoic changes in oceanic productivity? Geology, 24: 355-358 pdf
  • Kelly, D. C., Bralower, T. J., Zachos, J. C., Premoli-Silva, I., and Thomas, E., 1996. Rapid diversification of planktonic foraminifera in the tropical Pacific (ODP Site 865) during the late Paleocene thermal maximum, Geology, 24: 423-426 pdf
  • Steineck, P. L., and Thomas, E., 1996, The latest Paleocene crisis in the deep-sea: ostracode succession at Maud Rise, Southern Ocean, Geology, 24: 583-586 pdf
  • Maslin, M. A., Hall, M. A., Shackleton, N. J., and Thomas, E., 1996, Calculating surface-water pCO2 from foraminiferal organic d13C, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 60: 5089-5100 pdf
  • Thomas, E., Booth, L., Maslin, M., and Shackleton, N. J., 1995. Northeastern Atlantic benthic foraminifera during the last 45,000 years: productivity changes as seen from the bottom up. Paleoceanography, 10: 545-562 pdf
  • Maslin, M. A., Adams, J., Thomas, E., Faure, H., and Haines-Young, R., 1995. Estimating the carbon transfer between the ocean, atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere since the last glacial maximum. Terra Nova, 7: 358-366 pdf
  • Nydick, K., Bidwell, A., Thomas, E., and Varekamp, J. C., 1995. A sea-level rise curve from Guilford, CT. Marine Geology, 124: 137-159 pdf
  • Bralower, T. J., Zachos, J. C., Thomas, E., Parrow, M. N., Paull, C. K., Kelly, D. C., Premoli-Silva, I., and Sliter, W. V., 1995. Late Paleocene to Eocene Paleoceanography of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Stable Isotopes recorded at ODP Site 865, Allison Guyot. Paleoceanography, 10: 841-865 pdf
  • Smart, C. W., King, S. C., Gooday, A., Murray, J. W., and Thomas, E., 1994. A benthic foraminiferal proxy of pulsed organic matter paleofluxes. Marine Micropaleontology, 23: 89-99 pdf
  • Eldholm, E., and Thomas, E., 1993. Environmental impact of volcanic margin formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 117: 319-329 pdf
  • Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene – late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: Prothero, D. R., and Berggren, W. A., eds., Late Eocene-Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution, Princeton University Press, 245-271 pdf
  • Varekamp, J. C., Thomas, E., and Van de Plassche, O., 1992. Relative sea-level rise and climate change over the last 1500 years (Clinton, CT, USA). Terra Nova, 4: 293-304 pdf
  • Thomas, E., 1992. Cenozoic deep-sea circulation: evidence from deep-sea benthic foraminifera. AGU Antarctic Research Series, 56: 141-165 pdf
  • Thomas, E., and Varekamp, J. C., 1991. Paleo-environmental analyses of marsh sequences (Clinton, CT): evidence for punctuated rise in relative sea-level during the latest Holocene. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 11: 125-158 pdf
  • Thomas, E., 1990. Late Cretaceous through Neogene deep-sea benthic foraminifers (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica). Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, 113: 571-594 pdf
  • Thomas, E., Barrera, E., Hamilton, N., Huber, B. T., Kennett, J. P., O’Connell, S. B., Pospichal, J. J., Spieß, V., Stott, L. D., Wei, W., and Wise, S. W. Jr., 1990. Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene stratigraphy of Sites 689 and 690, Maud Rise (Antarctica). Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, 113: 901-914 pdf
  • Thomas, E., 1990. Late Cretaceous-early Eocene mass extinctions in the deep sea. Geological Society of America Special Publication, 247, 481- 495. pdf
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  • Thomas, E., 1987. Late Oligocene to Recent benthic foraminifers from DSDP Sites 608 and 610, northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project , 94: 997-1032
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  • Baldauf, J. G., Thomas, E., Clement, B., Takayama, T., Weaver, P. P. E., Backman, J., Jenkins, D. G., Mudie, P. J., and Westberg-Smith, J., 1987. Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 94 magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic synthesis. Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project , 94: 1159-1206
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  • Palais, J., Kyle, P. R., Mosley-Thomson, E., and Thomas, E., 1987. Correlation of a 3200 year old tephra in ice cores from Vostok and South Pole Stations, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 14: 804-807pdf
  • Thomas, E., and Vincent, E., 1987. Major changes in benthic foraminifera in the equatorial Pacific before the middle Miocene polar cooling, Geology, 15: 1035-1039 pdf
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  • Thomas, E., 1986. Early to middle Miocene benthic foraminiferal faunas from DSDP Sites 608 and 610, North Atlantic. Geological Society London Special Publication, 21: 205-218
  • Varekamp, J. C., Thomas, E., Germani, M. S., and Buseck, P. R., 1986. Particle geochemistry of volcanic plumes of Etna and Mount St. Helens. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91: 12,233-12,248 pdf
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  • Barron, J. A., Nigrini, K. A., Pujos, A., Saito, T., Theyer, F., Thomas, E., and Weinreich, N., 1985. Synthesis of central equatorial Pacific DSDP Leg 85 bio-stratigraphy: refinement of Oligocene to Recent biostratigraphy. Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project , 85: 905-934
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  • Van der Zwaan, G. J., and Thomas, E., 1980. Late Miocene environmental evolution of the Mediterranean area: stable isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera from Crete. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, B83: 327-343
  • Thomas, E., 1979. Evolution in Uvigerina. Annales de Géologie des Pays Hellèniques, Hors Série, 2: 1281-1285
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